Welcome to ASAP Berlin!

This page offers tools and information on making Berlin public stage events safer as a communal effort.As you are entering a room where safety is discussed, we want to invite you to look after yourself first. If you’re feeling discomfort: Trust your feeling on whether it’s the kind of discomfort that is a helpful lesson to you, or whether it’s a warning sign that you might get triggered and harmed.

We are a grass roots initiative of stage event organisers based in berlin who have been meeting regularly every other month to share our experiences and endeavour to make our events as safe as possible. What unites us is the will to take actions in order to prevent people getting hurt by the structural defaults in our society, to find ways for helping the ones who got affected by a discriminating behaviour and practice aftercare to make sure everyone involved can move on on a good note. That said, we are doing this without being professionals. We are not explicitly trained for this and we do not have any fundings. Hence we have no authority and can also not guarantee that no harm will be caused on our behalf or at events associated with us.